
Actions of governmental agencies, departments, State and federal

Resources on Surviving Gentrification

The issues on availability of housing in Black and Brown communities continues to be significant. During our first season we first highlighted how COVID impacts Black home ownership. Then, we followed up with an episode on the banking systems complicates loss of housing. Now, Professor Audrey McFarland focused on gentrification, which is a significant issue Resources on Surviving Gentrification

Resources on Black Mental Health

As always , we like to provide our readers with additional information on our podcast topics. Resources on Black Mental Health accompanies our wonderful talk with Dr. Sarah Y. Vinson from the Morehouse School of Medicine. If you are interested in seeing more of Dr. Vinson’s work, she is the co-editor of SOCIAL (In) JUSTICE Resources on Black Mental Health

Resources for Reproductive Justice

On our last episode, Dr. Alicia Christy talked about the difference between reproduction rights and reproductive justice. As usual, this is our post to give readers additional information and there’s a lot to talk about. We offer: Resources for Reproductive Justice. What exactly happened to take us here Everyone anticipated the Supreme Court would use Resources for Reproductive Justice