educational disparities

Affirmative Action’s Impact On HCBUs

This year the Supreme Court ended affirmative action in college admissions in a case called STUDENTS FOR FAIR ADMISSIONS v. HARVARD UNIVERSITY. The decision was not surprising, but it was still disappointing. Race influenced admissions decisions were actively being attacked since the late 1970’s and it doesn’t seem that anyone developed an alternative plan. In Affirmative Action’s Impact On HCBUs

Bringing Equity & Inclusion to K-12

Professor Kenneth Nunn discussed the real definition of Critical Race Theory or CRT, a subject taught in some law schools in our last episode. Conservatives falsely claim that CRT is being taught in the K-12 curriculum. In this episode our guests, Janella Hinds and David Adams talk about what is really happening in K-12 in Bringing Equity & Inclusion to K-12