Resources on Physical Therapy Issues

Thoughts and writings from Dr. Green Our episode on Physical Therapy featured Dr. Hadiya Green. This is our page to provide resources on physical therapy issues. In addition to being an active practitioner, Hadiya also writes about various aspects of physical therapy. She considers issues for the therapy professional as well as its use as Resources on Physical Therapy Issues

Physical Therapy: Promoting Wellness

Throughout our seasons we often focus on health issues. We are especially interested in racial disparities in healthcare. In this episode, Physical Therapy: Promoting Wellness, we interview Dr. Hadiya Green. Dr. Green has 17+ years of experience as a physical therapist and she appears in print and on the air. You can read more of Physical Therapy: Promoting Wellness

Resources About Native American Allies

Dr. Yolandra Gomez Toya’s episode on COVID in the Native American community recently posted. As usual, we are posting Resources About Native American Allies as a supplement to the podcast episode. As Yolandra mentions, understanding Native American identity is a complex undertaking. In the first instance, there are over 500 tribal nations in the United Resources About Native American Allies

Crisis for Pretrial Detainees

Throughout the COVID-19 crisis most of our episodes covered how the coronavirus pandemic impacted various Black communities. The focus was on people who are not under any correctional control. We have not directed our attention to what was happening to inmates and others under correctional control. Media coverage of what was going on in prisons Crisis for Pretrial Detainees

Justice Ahead for Black Farmers?

On our last episode we learned about programs that teach children how to grow food. But, we look can also look at farming on the macro level. For decades Black farmers in the US have fought against racism at the United States Agricultural Department. In 1920 14% of farmers in this country were black and Justice Ahead for Black Farmers?

Connecting Children to Growing Food

Land to Learn Teaches kids about the connection between growing food and wellness Being in quarantine during the pandemic taught us that we should not take our food supply for granted. During the quarantine basic food items were hard to find. As a result we should all be thinking about where our food comes from. Connecting Children to Growing Food

Breaking Down the COVID Stimulus Bill

Add titleBreaking Down the COVID Stimulus Bill During the election cycle candidate Biden promised to propose an economic stimulus bill to help everyone recover from the pandemic. When he became President, he proposed a $1.9 trillion dollar bill. In this episode Linda Chatmen spends time with us breaking down the COVID stimulus bill. We learn Breaking Down the COVID Stimulus Bill

Part II Environmental Racism and Black Health

We hope you enjoyed the first half of Dr. Holder’s interview on environmental racism. We are posting the second half of the interview entitled Part II Environmental Racism and Black Health. Due to activism in communities of color, more health professionals are studying how environmental hazards create health problems. Pollutants in the air are particularly Part II Environmental Racism and Black Health

Election 2020: The People Have Spoken

Election 2020: The People Have Spoken is our final episode for season 1 of our podcast. In a sense, it’s a cliff hanger because the current president did not concede the election. We know that plans are afoot to continue his efforts to disrupt the democratic and orderly transition of administrations. However, hopefully, his corrupt Election 2020: The People Have Spoken