Resources for Environmental Racism Impacts Black Health Outcomes

Construction indicating environmental racism impacts black health outcomes
urban construction scene

Dr. Cheryl Holder’s podcast episode raised a number of issues about how environmental racism impacts black health outcomes. As always, we want to give our readers additional information to help understand the topic. We developed resources for environmental racism impact on Black health outcomes.

In addition to links provided by Dr. Holder, we’ve also included news items on the Flint Water litigation, as well as stories about lead in the water in other cities. We hope these resources for environmental racism impacts will be helpful.

Air Pollution

There are many pollutants in our air and water. We may see our air is not clean, but we may not understand how the air affects our lung health. Check out the following links.

Study: Black, low-income Americans face highest risk from power plant pollution

EPA Finds Black Americans face More Health-Threatening Air Pollution

Dr. Cheryl Holder’s TED Talk

Risk in the water

The water crisis in Flint, MI is a tragedy. An entire community with no safe water, while callous officials looked the other way. Yet, towns all across the country are having the dame problems.

Flint Has Clean Water Now, Why Won’t People Drink it?

Flint Water Crisis: A $600 million settlement will provide fund for city residents

Drinking water in these major cities is contaminated with toxic chemicals

Car Pollutants

Asthma and Air Pollution

Vehicle pollution ‘results in 4m child asthma cases a year’

‘The Wrong Complexion for Protection’: How Race Shaped America’s Roadways and Cities

Black Life Expectancy In Chicago Gets Worse